Whether you own your home or rent, relocating can be a challenging and somewhat emotional task. However, preparing for the move weeks in advance can alleviate some of the stress and ensure a smoother transition. Read on to find out about the sort of jobs you can tackle in the weeks leading up to your moving day that'll make the move itself that bit easier to manage.

List Your Belongings

To begin with, creating an inventory of all your possessions is often advisable, especially if you have children or an extended family in the household. Cataloging your belongings gives you a clear idea of what you own, making packing and unpacking more manageable. This process will also make it easier for your moving company to know what is what and in which rooms things will need to be unloaded at your new home. If you don't have removalists booked already, then it will also provide any you seek out with a guide as to how much they'll need to charge to transport your belongings, including any oversized items, such as pianos, for example.

Start to Declutter

Decluttering a home prior to a move is a wise thing to do. This process involves assessing each item in your possession and determining whether it is essential enough to keep, could be sold, or should be donated. Items that are not frequently used but still hold value or sentimental attachment could be placed into a self-storage facility, allowing you to come back to them at a later date for further assessment. Decluttering will help to streamline the moving process when you move. In fact, movers often report that they'd wish they'd done it, or done it more thoroughly after they move because doing so makes settling in so much easier.

Prioritize Key Documents

It is also advisable to collect all essential paperwork together in folders or suitably sized boxes before you move. Documents like birth certificates, passports, financial records, and medical records could easily go missing if you aren't careful with them during a move. Make sure they're in a safe place to prevent them from being lost or rain damaged when your moving day comes.

Inform Relevant Parties

Notify the right people and organizations about your upcoming move. This might include utility companies, your bank, and subscription services you're signed up for, for instance. Informing relevant parties of a change of address in advance will mean you won't end up being billed incorrectly after you've moved out and means you've got one less job to do after you've moved in, of course. 

For more info about moving, contact a local company. 
